The UK organizers of the Miss Ocean pageant series is encouraging other nations to host an event to draw attention to ocean conservation issues, cleaner living and the need for a sustainable blue economy worldwide.
For 2017 and 2018 the Cleaner Oceans Foundation is limbering up to host an event on the South coast of England.
Preparations underway in 2017 include:
1. The furnishing and equipping of a small film studio for interviewing and recording contestants, with simultaneous recording of the judges comments.
2. The completion of our Miss Ocean tour bus which is presently undergoing an engine makeover and vinyl wrap - having been completely overhauled mechanically.
3. The design and commission of the Heart of the Ocean tiara.
4. Scouting for potential sponsors to help us (risk share) cover the costs of production.
When there are sufficient competition winners from each country, they might then compete for the Heart Of The Ocean, by way of an international final. That situation is some time ahead where other ocean events, such as in Australia, China and France appear not to be a regular feature.
In the meantime, events that are not connected with ours, will still provide sensational entertainment for audiences and open many doors for competitors.
Cleaner Oceans Club Ltd Solar Studios BN27 1RF United Kingdom
Tel: 0044 1323 831727 Email: pageant@miss-ocean.com
https://www.facebook.com/oceanfilmfest https://twitter.com/oceanfilmfest https://twitter.com/BlueOceanFilm http://www.oceanfilmfestival.co.uk/ http://oceanfilmfest.org/
This webpage is copyright © Cleaner Oceans Club Ltd (Company No: 4674774) May 2017, Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom. The name Miss Ocean™ is a trade mark of the Cleaner Oceans Club™.