LIGHTHOUSE - Not a converted or extended lighthouse as you might
imagine from the name, but a modern theatre that is able to host events
where a stage is needed for speakers, but with limited exhibition space.
Copyright © photograph 19 May 2017 Cleaner Oceans Foundation.
LITERACY & BLUE GROWTH - One of the recurring themes of this years EMD was 'Ocean
Literacy.' The fact is, and it is a recognised problem, that most people
on the planet are not aware of today's marine issues, save for the
occasional shock news report such as that recently reported about
Henderson Island, that is soon forgotten.
Growth is a tagline that has now caught on and an agenda that is being
pushed in Europe as a world lead, though Australia is also hot on the
trail with their Blue Economy challenge.
of the problems stopping real progress is that innovation comes from SMEs
and that they are strapped for cash, where the giant food stakeholders
appear not to be engaging, but only taking onboard the ideas of the SMEs once
the SMEs have sunk without trace from being underfunded and encouraged to
proceed regardless of the fact that there is no safety net for those who
are brave (or stupid) enough to give it a go.
representative reported on the event, telling of the congestion in Poole
that slows transport down to a crawl that London drivers would curse at
and even the blue rinse brigades in Brighton and Eastbourne would have a
few cross words to say. That, coupled with delays on the A and M27, and a
sudden spot downpour brought nervous drivers to a standstill. How would
they cope in a storm at sea!
of the transport congestion, the 10th EMD conference was
held to successfully organized with over 600 participants attended the conference, including plenary sessions, stakeholder workshops, exhibitions and project presentations. The conference is followed by the Poole Maritime Festival (18-21 May 2017), engaging the general public and celebrating Poole and Dorset's local maritime heritage and environment.

MAY 2017
THE first day of the European Maritime Day conference took place yesterday with around 1,000 delegates drawn to the Lighthouse.
One of the largest maritime events in Europe, the prestigious two-day conference continues today to address the EU’s Integrated Maritime Policy promoting economic growth, skills, technological innovation, environmental concerns and sustainability across Europe.
Opening the day was the Rt Hon John Hayes CBE - minister for shipping of the UK. It is the first time the event has been held in the UK.
Leader of Borough of Poole, councillor Janet Walton said: “Over the last 10 years, European Maritime Day has tackled various key themes such as maritime policy, innovation, sustainable growth and investment. It seems fitting that with a changing political landscape, environmental challenges and budgetary pressures, this year’s theme is ‘The Future of our Seas’.”

Councillor Lindsay Wilson presents Ruka Bovadzhieva with a plate from a
local pottery maker, Friday 19 May 2017.
There were also speeches from Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for environment, maritime affairs and fisheries and campaign director
Jackson (also CEO of Race For the Baltic).
It has formed part of the Poole Maritime Festival which continues into this weekend.
The History of Poole Maritime in 30 Minutes Flat Show will be performed at various locations until Sunday containing Vikings, pirates, and the D-Day landings.
Tomorrow Valise Noise Storytelling Theatre present CARGO - an outdoor performance bringing The Great Quay to life.
From today until Sunday the Poole Harbour Boat Show, organised by Poole Harbour Commissioners in association with Sunseeker, promises to be even bigger than previous years, featuring more than 200 exhibitors showcasing sail and motorboats of all sizes.
This year’s Seven Seas Festival features live entertainment and the Poole Harbour Big Wheel at Harbourside Park until Sunday.
And new to this year is the Taste of the South event, organised by Route PR. Based at Poole Park the event promises food, produce stalls, cookery demonstrations as well as maritime-themed children’s activities.

COMMISSIONER ARRIVAL - Karmenu Vella arrives in Poole for European Maritime Day
From Poole to Burgas – European Maritime Day sets sail for another year.
After an insightful and exciting two-day conference, at which nearly 1,000 delegates from across the UK and Europe attended, European Maritime Day has come to a close for another year.
Celebrating ten years this year the event has tackled a variety of key themes, such as maritime policy, innovation, sustainable growth and investment, since its start in 2007.
Mayor of Poole hands over EMD to Burgas
This year’s theme of ‘The Future of our Seas’ was considered extremely fitting in light of the changing political landscape and environmental challenges that faces Europe and the UK both now and in the near future.
Focusing on the interplay between driving growth in the maritime economy, and sustainability protecting the seas and oceans for future generations, the conference, which took place at Poole’s Lighthouse, was enjoyed by all those present.
Mayor of Poole, Cllr Lindsay Wilson, closed the two-day event, thanking all those that have supported the conference before passing the baton on to next year’s host: “I would like to convey my thanks to all speakers, exhibitors, Borough of Poole staff, volunteers, and many others, who have helped make 2017’s European Maritime Day such a successful and pleasurable event.
“I am delighted to hand over the baton to Ruska Boyadzhieva, Deputy Mayor of Burgas, and I wish Bulgaria every success with their European Maritime Day in 2018, when they will host this prestigious event.
"On behalf of everyone in Poole, I would like to thank the Mayor of Burgas for the special gift to the people of Poole."
The Mayor presented Ruska Boyadzhieva, Deputy Mayor of Burgas, with a custom-made decorative plate from local pottery manufacturers, Poole Pottery.
Andrew Flockhart, Chief Executive, Borough of Poole, is thankful to the people of Poole for their support throughout the festival. “It has been a great honour for Poole to host European Maritime Day 2017, and the world-renowned conference has truly put Poole on the map.
“Borough of Poole is proud to have hosted such a respected and significant conference, and I hope that such a resounding success will pave the way for future events across Poole.”
European Maritime Day will be hosted by Burgas, Bulgaria in May 2018.

The European Maritime Day (EMD) was officially created on 20 May 2008
where the President of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering,
Council President Janez Janša, and Commission President José Manuel
Barroso signed a Joint Tripartite Declaration establishing it.
UK maritime union RMT staged a protest over seafarer employment practices outside the 10th European Maritime Day conference taking place in Poole today.
As part of its Save Our Seafarers 2020 campaign designed to protect UK seafarer jobs, RMT is highlighting a number of perceived injustices. It claims that 56% of the 500,000-plus seafarers who work in European waters “are non-EU nationals on poverty pay”, while of the 87,000 Ratings jobs in the UK shipping industry only 10% are held by UK seafarers.
Particular target of the protest was a local ferry company alleged to be practising low-cost crewing by employing non-EU seafarers. while other recent instances of substandard Indian-flagged and –crewed vessels found operating in the North Sea have added to RMT’s concerns.

The union’s argument runs that vessels operating almost exclusively in UK waters or on the UK continental shelf should be subject to the same employment conditions – including a national minimum wage level - as UK land-based industries in the interests of fair competition.
Furthermore, the number of UK Ratings has fallen by 25% since 2011, RMT claims. With some 3,000 more UK Ratings set to retire by 2020, if training and employment have not increased by then the country will find itself exposed to “negative economic, social and security effects of a maritime skills deficit.”
RMT’s national secretary Steve Todd stated: “Our objective is simple – a guaranteed future for the UK shipping industry based on the development of a skilled and expanded domestic workforce that will secure the economy of areas like Poole well into the future."
Separately, officers’ union Nautilus International is lobbying UK political parties ahead of next month’s general election to commit to supporting British shipping and the employment and training of British seafarers, in order to protect the jobs and livelihoods of the country’s 23,000 seafarers.
Specifically, Nautilus says it is vital that the next government takes urgent action to implement the recommendations of the Maritime Growth Study (Mountevans Report) and to adopt the SMarT Plus proposals for improved seafarer training support.
By Bob

This is the entrance to the performing arts centre in Poole. This is where the
seafarers protest was staged the day before this picture was taken.
Copyright © photograph 19 May 2017 Cleaner Oceans Foundation.
Maritime Day is celebrated on
the 20th of May each year to mark the day it was officially launched in 2008.
The event centres around a two-day Maritime Conference that brings together experts and stakeholders from all different maritime sectors including shipbuilding, shipping, ports, fisheries, offshore energy, environment, tourism and heritage to address the major challenges they face. Economic growth,
change, sustainable energy and environmental pressures on the coasts and seas are all topical issues that may be raised.
Poole is to host the event to boost the town’s position amongst the maritime community across
Europe. The council
submitted a formal proposal to be considered by the European Commission for Maritime Affairs
and was successful in their bid. The event is hosted by a different country each year.
Previous host cities have included Brussels, Rome, Gothenburg,
Athens and Bremen.
Councillor Xena Dion, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for the Local Economy, Tourism and Transportation, Borough of Poole,
is quoted as saying: "This hugely important conference is normally accompanied by a maritime festival lasting several days and gives us the opportunity to really celebrate Poole’s maritime heritage and showcase what we have to offer in Poole on a scale never seen before. This is a time to bring in the tall ships, flotillas, a pageant, international shipping, yacht and power
boat racing, interactive maritime events, nautical festivities and so much more."

The thematic stakeholder workshops are at the core of the conference to be held at the "Lighthouse" Arts & Conference Centre in Poole, UK on 18 & 19 May 2017.
There will be 27 separate workshop sessions delivered over the 1.5 days of the conference, during 4 separate parallel sessions – 3 parallel sessions will take place on Day 1 and one parallel session will be on Day 2 (please see programme outline). Of these, 25 workshop sessions will follow a core theme with a standard workshop format, while 2 sessions with ‘pitch presentations’ will allow for a number of presentations to be delivered. All 27 sessions are related to one of the four core conference themes, although some overlap of these themes is expected:
* Innovation and growth (9 workshops)
* People and skills (7 workshops, including 1 pitch presentation workshop)
* Safety and security (2 workshops)
* Sustainability and governance (9 workshops, including 1 pitch presentation workshop)
The 27 workshops will take place in parallel over the course of the 4 separate parallel workshop sessions. These will take place:
Session 1: Thursday 18 May – 13.30-15.00
Session 2: Thursday 18 May – 15.15-16.45
Session 3: Thursday 18 May – 17.00-18.30
Session 4: Friday 19 May – 08.30-10.00
As part of the conference planning, a mail with the final list of workshops will be sent beginning of April to already registered delegates in order to evaluate the attendance wishes and to plan for conference logistics.
A Workshop Summary and Reflections Session will take place on Day 2 of the conference and a guidance for preparation of this session will be sent to workshop

20 MAY 2017 - HOW
The European Maritime Day was celebrated on 20 May for the 10th consecutive year, and brought together over 1,000 stakeholders and maritime professionals from throughout Europe at Poole, in the
Kingdom, to discuss "The Future of our Seas". This topic is a key concern for Veolia, which helps to protect the sea from many sources of pollution, particularly in France and the United Kingdom, thanks to the dismantling and recycling of maritime structures no longer in use.
In partnership with Peterson, the Group can provide an A-to-Z service including decontamination, deconstruction, waste management and environmental services, combined with logistics operations at sea and in the docks. Two examples:
* At the Lutelandet facility in south west Norway, Veolia is dismantling and recycling the 14,000 tons of the YME facility, with a length of 72 meters and a height of 87 meters. YME contains precious metals, iron,
steel and electrical equipment, for which Veolia organises a new life.
* In England at the Great Yarmouth site, the Group recycles 96% of materials from offshore platforms at end-of-life. In the last decade, the Veolia-Peterson joint
venture has recovered over 80,000 tons of materials with an "excellent" level of quality, according to an environmental assessment.
In Bordeaux port, 90% of the materials of the former «Jeanne d’Arc », the 9,000-ton former training vessel of the French Marines, were dismantled and recycled to the benefit of several sectors: iron for steelworks, non-ferrous metals for foundries, electronic equipment and fluids via specialist treatment centers. It took 16 months to remove asbestos from the hull, and six months to cut, prepare and reuse materials and eliminate any final waste.
The former cruiser of the French Marines, the "Colbert", reached Bordeaux in June 2016, and is currently in the dismantling and recycling process.

HANDOVER CEREMONY - Dr Alberto Guimarães accepts a gift of
maritime art from Ruska Boyadzhieva. Alberto is the Secretary General of
Lisbon City Council and Ruska the Deputy Mayor of Burgas, Bulgaria.
Copyright © photograph June 1 2018 Cleaner Ocean Foundation.
Brussels 2008: "A regional approach to the implementation of Maritime
Rome 2009: "Integrated Maritime Policy and the contribution of
maritime clusters"
Gijón 2010: "How to foster innovation?"
Gdansk 2011: "Maritime Policy: Putting People First"
Gothenburg 2012: "Sustainable Growth from the Oceans, Seas and
Valletta 2013: "Coastal Development and Sustainable Maritime
Bremen 2014: "Innovation driving Blue Growth"
Piraeus 2015: "Ports and Coasts, Gateways to Maritime Growth"
Turku 2016: "Investing in blue growth – smart and sustainable
Poole 2017:
"The Future of our Seas"
Burgas 2018: Bulgaria "TBA" *
Lisbon 2019: Portugal "TBA"
2020: Ireland "TBA"
Den Helder 2021: The Netherlands "TBA" *
Ravenna 2022: Italy "TBA" *
Brest 2023: France "TBA" *
Svendborg 2024: Denmark "TBA"

MARITIME DAY 2017 – Matchmaking Event
your international network, explore new ideas and develop
cooperation possibilities.
event is organised in the framework of European
Maritime Day Conference 2017, which will take place on the 19th
of May 2017 in Poole (UK).
The European Maritime Day (EMD) is an annual event which welcomes Europe's
growing maritime community gathering EU maritime stakeholders and EU
policymakers to discuss, debate and exchange best practices. Participants
come from ports, shipping industries, clusters, environmental
associations, NGOs, trade unions, scientific and research institutions, and
local, regional, national and European authorities, amongst others.

CREATION - Signing of the tri-parte agreement that created European
Maritime Day.
networking event targets innovative companies, universities, researchers,
public authorities and other organisations interested in sharing new
project ideas and finding collaboration partners to:
Safety and security,
People and skills,
Innovation and growth,
Sustainability and governance

Maritime Policy
Coastal Areas and Ports
Maritime Environment and Protected Areas
Maritime and Shipyard Technologies and Equipment
Maritime Services, Transport and Shipping
Maritime and Port Security
Skills and Training
Coastal Tourism
Marine Biotechnology
Ocean Energy
Seabed Mining
Marine Research, Development and Innovation
to participate
is an ideal way to find technology and business partners through
pre-arranged meetings during an event which attracts delegates and experts
from across Europe and beyond. You simply need to register, present
yourself, your company/organisation and a cooperation idea and select
partners of interest to you in advance of the event.
earlier you submit your collaboration profile, the more it will be
of charge: Participants need to register in European
Maritime Day Conference in order to participate in the
Matchmaking Event.

NEWS 4 JULY 2013 - Poole has been successful in its bid to host European Maritime Day in 2017.
The event, held annually on 20 May, includes a two-day conference with speeches led by maritime experts from all over Europe.
Topics will include renewable energy, sustainable fishing and coastal erosion.
A maritime-themed festival featuring tall ships, flotillas, a pageant, and yacht and power boat racing is also planned.
Conservative MEP Julie Girling, who represents South-West England said: "This is an opportunity to really put Poole on the map in Europe and showcase what a great place it is."
It will be jointly funded by businesses and the EU.
This year's event (2013) took place in Valletta, Malta. Bremen, Germany, will host next year's.
European Maritime Day was created by the Presidents of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on 20 May 2008
Six events will cover a range of networking, workshops, seminars and discussions as well as opportunities for business growth by accessing information on import and export opportunities and funding. The events are yet another way Poole is looking to maximise the benefits to
their local community through hosting the prestigious European Maritime Day conference.
Borough of Poole’s STEM event kick starts the programme on Monday 15 May. Approximately 100 students from nine schools across Dorset are taking part in an innovative challenge to design a lifting device that can pull people safely from the sea. The group that comes up with the winning design will be rewarded with a trip on the Royal Navy’s
minehunter. Guest speaker Neil Heritage from Help for Heroes, will provide an inspirational talk about overcoming life's challenges to succeed. Supported by local business leaders and academics from the marine sector, the event will encourage our next generation towards science, technology, engineering and mathematics related careers.
Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry is hosting a Breakfast Network on Tuesday 16 May at Rick Stein restaurant in Sandbanks. It is the perfect opportunity for members to hear from Phil Popham, CEO of Sunseeker and network with businesses within Dorset in a fantastic setting on the south coast. The event starts at 8am and there is a charge of £18.
Also on Tuesday 16 May there is an opportunity for members to join Dorset Women in Business at their breakfast networking event held at Poole Yacht Club. The event starts at 9am and costs £16.50, which includes local guest speaker Sue Barnes, People and Transformation Director at the RNLI.

FOR BUSINESS - Councillor Xena Dion and Jim Stewart endorse European Maritime Day
On Wednesday 17 May there is an opportunity to join members of the Federation of Small Businesses at their Breakfast Networking event at the Harbour Heights Hotel. The keynote address is by Brendan Hall who will provide a gripping narrative of an ocean yacht race on the edge and a young skipper’s determined journey to victory during the 2009-10
Clipper Round the World race. Brendan’s inspiring story mixes sailing action with leadership and teamwork lessons learnt quite literally at the deep end.
Borough of Poole’s Business Growth Day is taking place on Wednesday 17 May at the
RNLI College in West Quay Road. This free event, in partnership with the Department for International Trade, British Marine and WSX Enterprise, engages 60 regional businesses with a series of workshops and talks built around encouraging business growth through export within regional marine industries. Information on funding and bid opportunities will also be available.

The Poole Maritime Festival business programme closes with an invitation only Reception to celebrate the local and global businesses that have chosen to locate their organisation in Dorset. In partnership with Invest in Dorset and the Department of International Trade the event on Wednesday 17 May will launch the Invest in Dorset's Ambassadors Programme.
Adrian Trevett, Economic Development Manager, Borough of Poole, said: “We have created an interesting and diverse business programme that enables our local and regional businesses to be part of the Poole Maritime Festival. Not only do these events support existing businesses, whether these are large or small, but encourages our young students to consider STEM related careers and help bridge the skills shortage in these areas. We hope as many businesses as possible take the opportunity to sign up to these events at
Businesses can also take the opportunity to showcase their innovative ideas, products and services to an international audience by exhibiting at the prestigious European Maritime Day two day conference on 18 and 19 May.
It is the ideal opportunity to meet new contacts, exchange experiences, discuss the latest developments and build lasting relationships within the maritime community.

Programme - Friday
08.30 - Parallel workshops, themes 1-4
- Coffee break
- Welcome and opening
Karen Coleman - Moderator
- Plenary session: Strategic support for Blue Growth at sea-basin/macro-regional level
Speakers and respondants
Philipp Schwartz
- INTERACT Knowledge of the Seas Network
Ditte Folke Kikkert Henriksen
- Danish Maritime Authority, EUSBR Policy Coordinator Ship
Sofia Loukmidou
- Ministry of Environment and Energy, Greece, EUSAIR Blue Growth coordinator
Graham Cope
- Senior Head of Region - Northern & Western Europe, Regional Business Development, European Investment Bank
Sea basin/macro-regional strategies provide a framework for integrated approaches to maritime issues and promote common solutions and actions. Implementation is supported through a variety of programmes, action plans and projects. This session will highlight best practice projects and will discuss whether and in what way these and other projects contribute to strategic project pipelines for blue/green growth. It will also discuss the evolving nature of project funding and risk sharing for blue growth projects to bring innovative ideas closer to market.
- Plenary session: Blue Growth in action: Launch of EMFF projects on skills, creative solutions and technology
This session will present a number of projects selected under the 2016 BLUE GROWTH CALLS funded by the EMFF. The launch of these projects represents a concrete step to implement the 'Communication from the Commission: Innovation in the Blue Economy: realising the potential of our seas and oceans for jobs and growth'. The projects focus on three key areas for the blue economy: skills (BLUE CAREERS), creativity (BLUE LABS) and technology (BLUE TECH). Co-organiser of this session is EASME, the Executive Agency for SMEs.
- Lunch break
- Workshop summary and reflections session: What have we learned?
This session will enable feedback from stakeholder workshops and will attempt to harvest common messages and policy recommendations.
- Closing panel and handover
Joao AGUIAR MACHADO - Director General, European Commission -DG MARE
Gesine Meissner
- Member of European Parliament, Chair of SEARICA Intergroup
Councillor Lindsay Wilson
- Mayor of Poole
Dimitar Nikolov
- Mayor of Burgas
- End of conference

Students were asked to design the logo for European Maritime Day which is an internationally important event being held here in Poole in 2017.
European Maritime Day is a two-day conference that brings together important decision makers, experts, academics, businesses and politicians to progress the European Maritime Policy. The event will be surrounded by a large scale Maritime Festival on a scale of which has not been seen before in Poole. This is a chance to show to the rest of Europe what we have in the UK and in Poole in terms of innovation and design in the maritime industry and how we celebrate our maritime heritage.
To promote this event, there needed to be a high quality design as a key logo. The design was to be not only on headed paper and around the Conference and related areas, but also on promotional merchandise such as T-shirts and sweatshirts.


Alistair Cox (Sector Lead)
Enterprise Europe Network South West
Business West, Leigh Court
Abbots Leigh, Bristol, BS8 3RA
M: 07717 416023
E :Alistair.Cox@businesswest.co.uk

Kirsty Blakeman
(Event Manager)
Email: kirstie.blakeman@poole.gov.uk
West-Webbe (Communications Officer)
Tel: 01202 633060
Fax: 01202 633888
Email: a.west-webbe@poole.gov.uk
Carolyne Suter
(Secretary to Mayor Xena Dion)
E-mail: mayors.secretary@poole.gov.uk
Tel: 01202 633200
Poole Maritime Festival 2017 EC
Maritime affairs day About
day Poole
maritime day May 2017 Maritime
exhibition BBC
UK news
England Dorset Poole
council newsroom 2015 October 2015 set to host 2017 European maritime day B2match
EU enterprise European maritime day 2017 Mayor
of Poole European-maritime-day-2017 https://twitter.com/hashtag/EMD2017 http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/en/home http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/15296331.Hundreds_flock_to_Poole_for_UK__39_s_first_European_Maritime_Day/ http://www.northlightcentre.co.uk/student-portfolio.html https://www.veolia.com/en/veolia-group/media/news/european-maritime-day-how-veolia-dismantles-and-recycles-vessels-and-offshore-facilities-end-life http://www.poole.gov.uk/newsroom/may-2017/from-poole-to-burgas-european-maritime-day-sets-sail-for-another-year/ http://www.seatrade-maritime.com/editor/bob-jacques.html https://twitter.com/hashtag/EMD2017 http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/en/home http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/15296331.Hundreds_flock_to_Poole_for_UK__39_s_first_European_Maritime_Day/ http://www.east-of-england.eu/news/european-maritime-day-18-19-may-poole/ http://www.mayorofpoole.com/european-maritime-day-2017.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-23182380 http://www.poole.gov.uk/newsroom/2015-news-archive/october-2015/poole-set-to-host-2017-european-maritime-day/ https://www.b2match.eu/emd2017 https://twitter.com/PMF2017 http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/en http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/en/about-emd http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/en/poole-2017 http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/en/exhibition
2018 - London Excel March
2017 - Paris, France - May 16-18 2017

