
In 2024, Denmark will be hosting European Maritime Day with more than 1,000 participants. With its maritime surroundings, the city of Svendborg will be the setting of the conference, said a press release from Danish Maritime Authority.
The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual meeting point for Europe’s maritime community to network, discuss, and forge joint action, in support of an integrated approach to maritime affairs. It is an inspiring, interactive and dynamic event with a strong focus on key European Commission priorities. EMD was officially created on 20 May 2008 and since then is celebrated annually across Europe on 20 May.
The main event of EMD is the European Maritime Day conference, held in a different region with a different theme each year. The EMD conference includes plenary sessions (with the participation of high level and key-experts), stakeholder workshops as well as B2B matchmaking meetings and an exhibition. It attracts regularly more than 1000 participants - policy-makers, maritime stakeholders, industry professionals and NGOs - from across the EU.

LINK JULY 1 2017
European Maritime Day is one of Europe's largest maritime conferences. The Council of the European Union has awarded
Denmark the honour of hosting the conference in 2024.
Earlier this year, the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs nominated Svendborg as the Danish candidate city. It will be the first time that the conference is held in Denmark, and the Municipality of Svendborg will be at the centre of it all.
Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs said: ”It is a great pleasure to announce today that Svendborg will be hosting European Maritime Day. We have made great efforts to attract this conference to Denmark and – in the middle of the South Funen archipelago – Svendborg is ideally located for a conference focusing on the ongoing development of a robust maritime sector, which is of major importance to Denmark.
The conference offers a unique chance to display the Danish position of strength in the maritime field. Denmark has extremely much to offer – also when it comes to developing common visions for the maritime sector of the future. I do hope that the conference succeeds in forming the basis of new innovative maritime measures that may help secure a continuously strong, inclusive and growth-generating maritime sector.”
Each year, the conference gathers more than one thousand maritime experts, decision-makers and industry representatives for a two-day conference. The purpose is to focus on the importance of maritime economic activities. And at the same time, the conference gives the participants a chance of promoting various activities and measures and of discussing common challenges and opportunities within the sector.
Mayor Lars Erik Hornemann from the Municipality of Svendborg said: ”I am pleased that Svendborg will be the host of this international conference. With our maritime history and current endeavours in the entire maritime field with a number of maritime education and training institutions, it is an honour for us to have been chosen. We have had a good a close cooperation with a wide number of partners, who have all shown a great interest in contributing within each their field.”
The conference was first held in 2008. Previously, cities like Brussels, Rome and Gothenburg have hosted the event. The Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs have established a partnership with the Municipality of Svendborg on the Danish hosting of the conference.


2024 skal Danmark huse European Maritime Day med mere end 1.000 deltagere. Svendborg skal med sine maritime omgivelser danne rammen for værtskabet.
Det skriver Erhvervsministeriet i en pressemeddelelse.
European Maritime Day er blandt de største maritime konferencer i Europa. EU’s Ministerråd har tildelt Danmark værtskabet for konferencen i 2024. Erhvervsministeren indstillede tidligere i år Svendborg som dansk
kandidatby. Det er første gang, konferencen afholdes i Danmark, og Svendborg Kommune bliver omdrejningspunktet for det
- Det er med stor glæde, at jeg i dag kan annoncere, at Svendborg bliver vært for European Maritime Day, siger erhvervsminister Brian
- Konferencen er en unik mulighed for at fremvise den danske styrkeposition på det maritime område. Danmark har utrolig meget at byde på – også når vi skal udvikle fælles visioner for fremtidens maritime
sektor. Jeg håber, at konferencen kan danne rammen om nye innovative martime
tiltag, der kan sikre en fortsat stærk, inkluderende og vækstskabende maritim
sektor, fortsætter han.
Konferencen samler hvert år over tusinde maritime eksperter, beslutningstagere og repræsentanter fra erhvervslivet til to dages maritim
konference. Formålet er at sætte fokus på vigtigheden af maritim økonomisk
aktivitet. Og samtidig giver konferencen deltagerne mulighed for at profilere aktiviteter og tiltag samt diskutere fælles muligheder og udfordringer inden for
Konferencen blev afholdt første gang i 2008. Tidligere har byer som
Bruxelles, Rom og Göteborg været værtsbyer. Erhvervsministeriet har indgået et partnerskab med Svendborg Kommune om realiseringen af det danske værtsskab.

This year marked the 10th anniversary of the EU's Integrated Maritime Policy and the 10th edition of European Maritime Day – an occasion to network, discuss and forge joint action that has become a fixture in the agenda of Europe's maritime community. EMD2017 was hosted in
Poole, UK, on 18 and 19 May. Over 600 participants attended numerous thematic panels as well as the plenary sessions of this intense two-day conference dedicated to The Future of Our Seas.
European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella remarked in his opening speech that "European Maritime Day is a showcase of European innovation". The ideas and the unfaltering spirit of initiative of the European maritime community are key to harnessing the immense potential of the blue economy, which is predicted to double in size by 2030. That is why the EU is forging partnerships with Member States, coastal communities, industry and researchers.
EMD offers a unique forum for Europe's maritime community to get together and join in the efforts for healthy and thriving seas. It complements EU policies for the protection and sustainable use of the oceans – from the push to improve international ocean governance and maritime spatial planning, to the development of a
circular economy policy and a
dedicated plastics
This year's EMD introduced corporate responsibility as a pivotal dimension of ocean sustainability. Commissioner Vella encouraged business leaders attending EMD2017 to look ahead to the Our Ocean Conference (Malta, 5-6 October) and put forward their own commitments for the protection of the oceans and a greener value chain.
EMD2017 featured inspirational speeches including by Barbara Jackson (CEO, Race for the Baltic), who underlined the importance of social innovation to deliver the transformational change required to meet sustainability challenges, and Alan AtKisson (author, speaker and senior advisor), who highlighted the leading role of Europe in developing a sustainable blue economy.
The conference also offered a leadership exchange, a practitioner's exchange on sea-basin strategies, and a project launch for the 2016 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Blue Growth call, as well as several workshops and project pitches around four key topics: Innovation & Growth, People & Skills, Safety & Security, and Sustainability & Governance. Many participants pointed out the need to integrate the blue economy into the wider EU policy and funding architecture as a key driver of the EU's future prosperity.
But to develop the full potential of Blue
Growth, increased support for innovation is needed. This can be achieved by improving public awareness and ownership of how our seas are managed via ocean literacy, especially for the younger generations; by promoting more integration across sectors, geographical areas and actors; by improving data and information-sharing; by developing the skills and competences required to boost the maritime sector.
Another driver of innovation and positive change is consumer demand. Attendees noted that consumer pressure is a more positive incentive for shifts in the industry. An EU study on consumer habits regarding fisheries and aquaculture products recently provided interesting insights into how the European market, the world's biggest market for seafood, could be expanded and diversified.
Flanking the conference, EMD2017 hosted a maritime exhibition as well as matchmaking meetings for stakeholders, while the Poole Maritime Festival ensured the engagement of the general public. Almost 30 public events were
organized across the EU to celebrate the 10th anniversary of EMD.
With dozens of events and hundreds of participants, EMD2017 confirmed the enthusiasm and passion of people in the maritime sector to ensure a healthy and prosperous future for our seas and all those who depend on them.

European Maritime Day med 1.000 deltagere kommer til Fyn i 2024.
EU’s ministerråd havde Svendborg på dagsorden på deres møde for nylig. Ministerrådet vedtog, at Svendborg bliver vært for konferencen i 2024.
Det er første gang, konferencen afholdes i Danmark. Svendborg bliver omdrejningspunktet for de omkring 1000 deltagere, der forventes at deltage i konferencen og de mange workshops, som er en del af hele arrangementet.
Konferencens formål er at sætte fokus på vigtigheden af maritim økonomisk aktivitet. Og samtidig giver konferencen deltagerne mulighed for at profilere aktiviteter og tiltag samt diskutere fælles muligheder og udfordringer inden for sektoren.
Borgmester Lars Erik Hornemann, Svendborg Kommune, er meget tilfreds med at Svendborg bliver hjemsted for den internationale konference.
– Netop med vores maritime historie og vores nuværende satsning på hele det maritime felt, er det et cadeau, at vi er blevet valgt. Vi har haft et godt og tæt samarbejde med en lang række samarbejdspartner, der alle har vist stor interesse for at yde en indsats på hver deres felt. Det vil jer gerne anerkende og takke for, siger borgmesteren, og nævner Fyns Maritime Klynge, Center for Maritim Teknologi på SDU, SIMAC, Maskinmestrenes Forening og Inspiring Denmark som nogle af samarbejdspartnerne.
Forretningschef i Fyns Maritime Klynge, Lars Ahrendtsen, ser værtskabet for European Maritime Day, som en gylden mulighed for de maritime virksomheder og uddannelses-institutioner.
– Med knap 7000 arbejdspladser og 250 virksomheder i den maritime branche på Fyn er det oplagt at placere European Maritime Day her. Værtskabet sætter streg under Svendborgs position som internationalt maritimt centrum og styrker muligheden for at sætte dagsordenen for den maritime udvikling. Konferencen vil også være et stort udstillingsvindue for virksomhederne og de maritime uddannelser og ikke mindst ser jeg det, som en potentiel mulighed for at tiltrække nye virksomheder, siger han.
Formanden for Svendborg Erhvervsråd Per Nykjær Jensen er glad og stolt over Svendborgs kandidatur. Han kalder European Maritime Day for en af de allerstørste event indenfor den maritime verden.
– Det er en god dag. Indenfor den maritime verden er European Maritime Day anerkendt som en af de væsentligste konferencer. Jeg føler mig overbevist om, at deltagerne kan forvente nogle spændende og interessante dage på Sydfyn i 2024, siger Per Nykjær Jensen.
I år finder konferencen sted i den engelske by Poole, mens Burgas i Bulgarien skal været vært i 2018. På listen over tidligere værtsbyer kan man bl.a. finde Bruxelles, Rom, Athen og Turku i Finland.

Brussels 2008: "A regional approach to the implementation of Maritime
Rome 2009: "Integrated Maritime Policy and the contribution of
maritime clusters"
Gijón 2010: "How to foster innovation?"
Gdansk 2011: "Maritime Policy: Putting People First"
Gothenburg 2012: "Sustainable Growth from the Oceans, Seas and
Valletta 2013: "Coastal Development and Sustainable Maritime
Bremen 2014: "Innovation driving Blue Growth"
Piraeus 2015: "Ports and Coasts, Gateways to Maritime Growth"
Turku 2016: "Investing in blue growth – smart and sustainable
Poole 2017:
"The Future of our Seas"
Burgas 2018: Bulgaria "TBA" *
Lisbon 2019: Portugal "TBA"
2020: Ireland "TBA"
Den Helder 2021: The Netherlands "TBA" *
Ravenna 2022: Italy "TBA" *
Brest 2023: France "TBA" *
Svendborg 2024: Denmark "TBA"

Programme ........

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http://fynsmaritimeklynge.dk/eus-internationale-soefartskonference-kommer-til-fyn/ http://fynsmaritimeklynge.dk/ https://www.soefart.dk/article/view/543934/european_maritime_day_kommer_til_danmark# https://www.marinelink.com/news/european-maritime-denmark426846 https://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/content/european-maritime-day-host-cities-2020-2024-announced_en https://www.rte.ie/news/munster/2017/0626/885663-european-maritime-day/ http://www.nationalaquarium.ie/ https://ourocean2017.org/campaigns/world-aquariums-against-marine-litter http://coastmonkey.ie/cork-european-maritime-day/ http://seafest.ie/en/home/

The European Maritime Day (EMD) was officially created on 20 May 2008
where the President of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering,
Council President Janez Janša, and Commission President José Manuel
Barroso signed a Joint Tripartite Declaration establishing it.